Tag Archives: Wayne Interfaith Thanksgiving -2019

Interfaith Thanksgiving 2019

On Tuesday, November 26, 2019, ‘Wayne Township Celebration of Thanksgiving’ was held at Our Lady of Consolation, 1799 Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne, NJ 07470 at 7:00 p.m. It was sponsored by Wayne Clergy Fellowship. The main program has been attached at the end of this post. I was very happy to be invited to share my thoughts on this occasion as a representative of the Hindu faith. All the speakers were given a couple of minutes to share their thoughts.

It was a great pleasure to be with people of various faiths and find out that all religions talk about love, peace, service, and gratitude. The following are my thoughts which I shared on that day.

Dear Friends:
Good evening and Namaste:

I sincerely thank the organizers for inviting me to participate in this Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. It is my great joy to be with the people of various faiths celebrating “Thanksgiving” together.

One of the main principles of the Vedanta Philosophy of Hinduism is “Unity in Diversity”. It says that there is only one Existence, one life-force which is manifesting through varieties of human beings, animals, plants, birds, and many other things. We are all connected. Keeping this in mind, there is a Hindu prayer which I recite every day and so do millions of Hindus:

May all be happy,
May all be healthy,
May good comes to all,
May no one suffers

The great teacher and Saint Swami Vivekananda, in his 1893 lecture delivered in America have said, “Unity in variety” is nature’s plan in the evolution of the universe, and that only by harmony and brotherhood among religions and by mutual toleration and help can the mission and destiny of humanity be accomplished.”

As we evolve in our understanding, we see more and more unity in this diverse world.  As Mr. so and so I am different from all, but as a human being I am same as all human beings. As a being, I am the same as all living beings, humans, animals, plants, trees, and others.

 Bhagavad Gita is the essence of the Hindu Scriptures.  It consists of 18 chapters and 700 shlokas (verses). In chapter 6, shloka 29, Shri Krishna says,

I know recently many people are taking Yoga lessons and do Yoga exercises. It is good for health and the soul. In this verse, Lord Shri Krishna himself tells us who is a true Yogi.

He says, “A person established in the Yoga sees all beings in God and see God in all beings. He/she respects all equally.”

Again in Chapter 18, shloka 20, Shri Krishna says,

“When one sees unity in diversity, then he/she has acquired the highest knowledge.”

Thanksgiving is an occasion of family get-together. About family a Hindu scripture Maha Upanishad says:

– (meaning) for a broad-minded person, the whole universe is one big family.

 In nature, we find that

The sun shines equally on all beings.
The clouds shower rain on all beings
The air provides oxygen to all
The fire cooks meals for all and
Mother Earth holds all beings.

Thus, nature is teaching us to see the same life-force in all, love all, and serve all.

Thank you.

Wayne Township Celebration of Thanksgiving
Sponsored by Wayne Clergy Fellowship
Our Lady of Consolation, 1799 Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne, NJ 07470
Tuesday 11/26/2019 at 7:00 pm
PRELUDE                                                                                    OLC Musicians

WELCOME                                                                      Fr. Michael Lombardo

PROCLAMATION OF THE DAY                         Mayor Christopher Vergano

SURAH-AL-FATIH & ISLAMIC PRAYER                            Imam Ali Aktan

HYMN: We Gather Together/Adapted by Lavon Baylor       OLC Musicians

JEWISH PRAYER: Modim (We are Grateful)                   Rabbi Meeka Simerly

COMMUNITY SONG: If I Had a Hammer/Peter Seeger

CALL TO GRATITUDE: Psalm 138                            Rev. Robert Mountenay

REFLECTION:  The Awakening Mind Of Giving                     John Cerullo

COMMUNITY SONG: Let There Be Peace on Earth             OLC Musicians

REFLECTION                                                                   Deacon Deborah Drake

 SONG: Imagine/ Based on John Lennon’s                         All Community Youth

REFLECTION                                                                        Dr. Mahendra Jani

 INVITATION TO THE OFFERING                                          Rev. Andy Smith
Food donations received tonight will go to Wayne Interfaith Network Food Pantry.

OFFERTORY SONG: Forgotten Promises  Melek Oztoprak & Hikmet Ozdemir

PRAYER OF DEDICATION                                                         Rev. Marvin Wills

CLOSING BLESSING                                  Rev Mary Marcus & Rabbi Randall Mark

POSTLUDE        * Those able are invited to stand                      OLC Musicians

 Thank you for joining in this Interfaith Thanksgiving Service,

sponsored by the Wayne Clergy Fellowship.


Imam Ali Aktan                                           North East Islamic Community Center
John Cerullo                                                Tibetan Buddhist Center for Universal Peace
Deacon Deborah Drake                                         St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
Dr. Mahendra Jani                                                                         Vivekananda Vidyapith
Ft.  Michael Lombardo                                                       Our Lady of Consolation
Rev. Mary Marcus                                                         Preakness Reformed Church
Rabbi Randall Mark                                                   Congregation Shomrei Torah
Rev. Robert Mountenay                                            St. Timothy Lutheran Church
Melek Oztoprak & Hikmet Ozdemir                                     Peace Islands Institute*
Rabbi Meeka Simerly                                                             Temple Beth Tikvah
Rev. Andrew Smith                                           Grace United Presbyterian Church
Mayor Christopher Vergano                                            Township of Wayne, NJ
Rev. Marvin Wills                                            United Methodist Church in Wayne


OLC Musicians
OLC – for hosting us